6-Week, Full-Time, In-Person, Intensive Bootcamp
Learn how to build full-stack web apps such as,, by combining your frontend and backend skills with Python, Flask & SQL and prepare for a whole sea of possibilities to build solutions that can transform communities and industries.

- Format
- Languages/Framework Covered
- Pre-requisite
Completed our HTML, CSS & JavaScript course, or have prior experience in these technologies.
Reinvent Your Future with Code
Technology is transforming our world. The fourth Industrial Revolution (IR4.0) is coming and experts predicted that 40% of the jobs would be replaced by 2025. Coding will be the fundamental skill you need.
This 6-week, intensive Quantum Degree is the final module that enables you to build full stack web apps after you have learned how to build frontend websites and web apps. Graduate with the ability to think like a programmer and be able to easily learn any new language or framework.
Career Pathways
Full-stack Web Developer, Dev Ops Engineer, Software Engineer
These are things our past graduates pursued
Hop on the entrepreneur's journey
Join exciting new technology companies
Become remote freelance web developers
What You'll Learn
Topic 1
Python & Programming Basics
Topic 1
Python & Programming Basics
- Learn fundamental programming concepts such as variables, functions, and datatypes using Python (You should have already learned this in the previous modules under a different programming language). This week is crucial to set foundation for the remaining weeks.
Topic 2
Software Architecture - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Topic 2
Software Architecture - Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Learn important concepts in programming such as Object-oriented programming as well as encapsulation. You will learn by writing algorithms to solve fairly difficult problems.
Topic 3
SQL Databases
Topic 3
SQL Databases
- Learn how to design relational database schemes, write SQL queries to create, read, update and delete data from a database. Databases are prevalent everywhere from startups to global multinational companies. This skill is useful for many careers including business analyst, software developers, data scientist and much more.
Topic 4
ORM (Object Relational Mappers)
Topic 4
ORM (Object Relational Mappers)
- Learn how to write Python code instead of SQL to create, read, update and delete data and schemas in their database.
Topic 5
Web Development with Flask
Topic 5
Web Development with Flask
- Learn how to build web applications by building a clone of Instagram
- Learn to implement most of the features you need to build any web applications such as:
- Implementing forms backed by databases and performing password encryption
- Managing browser cookies for user log in and log out; and allowing users to log-in via Google using the OAuth2 protocol
- Uploading images to Amazon S3
- Collecting payments with credit cards
- Performing background jobs for speedy user experiences
- Working with external RESTFUL APIs
- Managing environment variables for security and implementing CSRF protection to prevent basic hacking
- Designing a good maintainable software architecture and building complex data relationships with relational databases and performing speedy complex database queries
Topic 6
Production-Readiness, Testing and APIs
Topic 6
Production-Readiness, Testing and APIs
- Learn to prepare your application for production use by properly securing it, optimizing your asset files for production through minification and concatenation, as well as provisioning infrastructure dependencies for your production application.
- Learn how to build robust applications by practising how to write code to test your application’s functions.
- Learn how to build APIs to allow other applications and developers to work with your application programmatically.
- Deploy a full-stack and Restful API application to the cloud for anyone in the world to use!
Topic 7
Group Project
Topic 7
Group Project
- You will be working in teams to ideate, build and deploy a full fledged functioning web app with features you have learned during the course as well as new features beyond the course curriculum
- Your team will present your app to people who are excited to know what technology can do to change the world and make lives more convenient
Interested to know more?
What can you Expect From NEXT Academy?
You might be wondering how is learning at NEXT Academy different? Watch this video to find out!
Bootcamp Enrolment
- Tuition Fees
*Applicable to Malaysian Maybank Credit Card holders.
** We accept payments via Cryptocurrency.

HRDF Claimable
For companies who wish to make HRDF claims, please submit your application to HRDF at least 3 weeks prior to the course start date to ensure successful approval by HRDF
- Class Format
- Classes in English
- 6 weeks / 240 hours
- Full-Time In-Person: 9:30am – 6:30pm, Mon – Fri
- Pre-Requisite & Requirements
- Completed our HTML, CSS & JavaScript course, or have prior experience in these technologies.
- Good problem solving ability (please self-assess here)
- Good comprehension of English
- You should have your own laptop
- Willing to put in the hard work
- Certification
A Certificate of Attendance and a report card of student’s progress are provided. Students must achieve 98% attendance to be eligible for the cert.
- Location
73A, Jalan SS20/11, Damansara Kim,
47400, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
- Intakes
JUN 14 - JUL 28, 2021
Limited seats. Enrol soon to not miss a spot!
JUN 14 - JUL 28, 2021
Contact us to check for possible last minute seat availability.
*RESULTS DISCLAIMER: Results may vary between individuals depending on how much hard work you put in. It is an intensive bootcamp experience and students are expected to give their 110% to complete the challenges if they wish to achieve their goals to become a competent coder.
Looking for a future intake?
Still thinking? 🧐
👉 Not sure if this is for you?
Start off with our Frontend Web Development course instead. Pace yourself and have a feel if you need more time to learn and practice.
👉 Is there something more comprehensive?
Or, if you would like to, join our Full Stack Web Development course (10-weeks) which includes Frontend, Reactjs and Backend development!
Web Apps Our Students Built
With the power to code, you can now design and build your own websites.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our graduates either start their own companies or work at some of the most exciting venture-backed startups. Some preferred to freelance and maintain the freedom to choose what they work on without committing to one single thing for a longer period of time. As a software developer, there’s always something new to learn – either a new technology, a new way of doing things or just a new feature that you’ve never implemented before.
Unlike other courses that teaches you specific technology (making you only as good as what you learn from the course), NEXT Academy’s Web Development Bootcamp was designed such that you would have learned all the right fundamentals to be able to build and learn anything new without dependence on anyone else.
Software Developers in general are extremely in demand all over the world. There is currently a huge shortage of skilled software developers and this will continue for decades to come. Not just that, the rise of new jobs require some level of coding as well – e.g. data science, machine learning, A.I.
The shortage is caused by 2 reasons. One being fewer university students pursuing studies in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The second and more important reason is how technology is being used to disrupt all industries from agriculture to transportation to retail. NEXT Academy has links with many technology startups across the region and will attempt to connect our talented graduates with the best startups.
Yes and no.
Starting a company is hard. This is not a discouragement of entrepreneurship but a mere disclosure of the harsh reality of starting up. You will definitely be able to build your own MVP and save time and hundreds of thousands of dollars in hiring a freelance developer to build something for you. The skills you learn at NEXT Academy will also help you in hiring people you want to work with. And most importantly, at NEXT Academy, you will meet some of the brightest and most passionate individuals that you can collaborate with or hire.
Software development is one of the best skills to have if you wish to work remotely. There are many jobs out there that permits software developers to work remotely. However, you will find it much easier to find a remote job after a few years of experience. There are certain cases where our graduates were able to find a consistent stream of freelance jobs that allowed them to work from home.
Yes. It just depends on your citizenship and your desired country’s work visa policy. It defers from country-to-country.
Assuming you are committed and you work hard during your time at NEXT Academy, yes, you certainly can. However, we advise our graduates to be honest about their level of expertise. There will be clients who are willing to hire juniors and will be more understanding. The last thing you want as a freelancer is a mismatch of expectations. But worry not, as a freelancer, you’ll be forced to learn so fast that you will be pretty senior in a short period of time.
The salary rate for Software Developers in Malaysia depends on the industry and kind of company you are in. Traditional companies typically pay much lower. However, after our program, if you choose to work in a startup as a junior software developer, you can expect around 30% above traditional market salary rates. It’s trickier to estimate if you have had prior working experience in a non-related field. In cases like this, it depends on the discussion between you and your potential employer.
10 weeks is an extremely short period of time. But as a yardstick, a world class junior software developer is someone who can build things independently of others and have the ability to learn new technology with ease. Our program was designed to take the minimum amount of time (10 weeks) to make any passionate and dedicated individual to get to that level. You will not be all-knowing at the end of 10 weeks but you will have enough fundamentals to be hired as a junior software developer and build most things with some tinkering around.
Please keep in mind that all students must have completed Frontend Web Development with HTML, CSS & JavaScript as well as React JS before embarking on to this module.
Our goal is to create impact. We have seen companies sending their graphic designers to our course and now they contribute even more as a frontend coder/ designer.
We wanted to make this bootcamp, which was inspired by bootcamps in Silicon Valley, accessible to as many as possible so that we can make an impact in the tech ecosystem within this region.
Many coding courses charge less and minimize the duration of their program to appeal to people’s taste in order for their academies to be highly profitable. Furthermore, many of these courses have low touch point with the mentors or instructors.
We wanted to make our bootcamp accessible to as many as possible. We are glad to see that many of our students who have transitioned into a tech career even though they started with no coding background.
It’s unlike your typical class/lecture that you are used to. The state of our mass education system, built in a whole other and older era, has spoonfed us and taught us to be good employees in the past. Things have changed. At NEXT Academy, there will be minimal lectures and maximum hands-on/self-driven learning. You will actually need to think and be intellectually stimulated. Instructors are around all the time to guide you and for you to ask questions that you can’t find an answer to. Our course material consists of coding challenges that are designed to help you learn to be a good independent software developer. It’s the most effective way of learning.
It’s certainly possible. Our founder, Josh, was self-taught. In his words, “It made me very independent compared to many computer science college graduates.” However, it usually takes a long time to learn on your own because of the steep learning curve. Josh took 2 years to get to where his graduates are getting to in just 10 weeks. We started NEXT Academy as the best of both worlds of being self-taught while still having the support and social experience of going through college without sacrificing years of your life to learn one thing.
We might have a solution for you! We offer an instalment plan for either a 6-month or 12-month period, with 0% interest. This is only for Maybank cardholders. Unfortunately, debit cards are not accepted.
We have a vested interest to say yes. But you should decide based on your progress. The key differences between learning on your own and with us are the guidance you get from experts and having the social environment where you will have people to learn together and maybe even collaborate with in future.
Again, this depends on your goals and which university in question. We get quite a few fresh graduates of Computer Science degrees from other universities coming to NEXT Academy. The reason why they came to NEXT Academy after earning a Computer Science degree was because they say they weren’t taught what they wanted to learn in university. If all you want is to learn how to build apps, a Computer Science degree is great but not neccessarily the best way to get started. If you want deep understanding of systems and more, Computer Science is great. A CS degree will certainly make you a great developer as well. Also, if you wanted to pursue a CS degree, we suggest aiming for the best colleges in the world such as Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, MIT or University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
No, you don’t need any formal education prior to enrolling into NEXT Academy.
Beginners are often fooled into thinking that learning a specific language or framework is the right way to learn technology. This is, however, completely wrong. But no one should be blamed for this because employers often post jobs such as “Java Developer”, “C# Developers”, “Python Developers”. However, what the employers don’t tell people is how they interview their candidates. It’s never about the language but a candidate’s ability to solve problems, learn new things and get the work done. And if you went to a real Computer Science university, the last thing they will ever tell you is how important a specific language or framework is. Instead of learning a specific language or framework, learn to think like a programmer and you can always learn any new language or framework easily. This is important because new languages and frameworks appear or change all the time.
There are many varying versions of this. But the general consensus in the tech community is that websites are static while web apps are dynamic. In layman terms, a website can only present one kind of information to everyone while web apps can present different information to different people. Think of websites as information sites whilst sites like Facebook/ Airbnb/ Quora are web apps. Web apps have the ability to identify you and serve content relevant to you. You can often log in or store data like write a blog post or upload a picture. An e-commerce site is also another example of a web app. Banks use web apps to power a lot of their end-user systems such as ATMs and online banking. Websites are great for bakery shops trying to tell people where they are located and have some pictures to show off their delicious cakes!
Not immediately. But everything that you learn in the program will be used to build mobile apps as well. There are 2 key things you learn at our Web Development bootcamp that will be carried over to mobile app development. 1. You learn to be a programmer. That means you now have the ability to pick up skills to build for anything from Android phones to iOS to self-driving cars. 2. Mobile apps often require web apps or (as some people call it) backend apps to support it. Think Instagram. You might think Instagram is a mobile app but behind-the-scenes, you need a “web app” or “backend app” to store the pictures, associate them to your profile, manage your followers and followings, serve you images when you open your Instagram app on your phone and more.
Yes. You will learn about Javascript in the bootcamp. You can learn Go very easily after you graduate from our program. Read our answer to “I want to learn to code. What language or framework should I learn first?”
The pre-bootcamp call is conducted for us to get to know you better. We also want to help you find out if the bootcamp will be a good fit for you. Think of it as a casual conversation with us. Ask us anything during the call!
Upon registering, you will be prompted to schedule the call with us. It will be conducted virtually. You’ll receive the call access link through email once you’ve selected a suitable date and time. Do ensure that you have a working mic and webcam beforehand.
Intakes will close 1-week before the intake’s start date. We recommend enrolling 2-3 weeks before the intake starts so that you’ll have enough time to complete the prepwork.
Join our Waiting List and we’ll inform you once your preferred intake is open for registration.
No; once the intake has started. Yes; before the intake starts. However, under extreme situations with substantial proof, we will evaluate on a case-by-case basis.
All our courses are HRDF (Human Resources Development Fund) approved, employees working for companies registered under the scheme will be able to upskill without the need of funding their own education.
Malaysian Maybank Credit Card holders are eligible for the 12-month 0% monthly installment plan. This can be done online.
Yes, we accept payment by cheque, you’ll have to come to our office to make the payment.
Meet Our Graduates
Our graduates join us from all walks of life, find out what they have to say about us!
Engineer to Full-stack coder
Entrepreneur & Full-stack Coder
Restaurateur to Full-stack Coder
Full-stack Coder